What JavaScript versions are there and how do they map to Node.JS versions?
There are now far too many versions of JavaScript. Worse, there are several ways to refer to a JavaScript version. Then we have Node.JS which has its own versioning. This post tries to summarise it all.
Using npm configuration environment variables in package.json
npm automatically makes parts of your package.json file available as environment variables. This can be useful when using npm as a run script service.
Download a GitHub Repository using Node.JS
Downloading a repository from GitHub using Node.JS should be really easy. But it isn’t! This KB post reminds us of the tricks required.
Node.JS and JavaScript
Node.JS allows JavaScript to be used as a server-side (back-end) programming language.
Creating GitHub Releases from git Tags
The workflow for updating version numbers and doing git/GitHub/npm releases is far too complex to easily remember when you aren’t doing it very often. This post is a reminder of the various steps.