How to reliably detect the object type of a JavaScript variable?
The nature of JavaScript means that everything is treated as an object (sort of). It can be remarkably hard to reliably detect what type of object something is and there isnβt a single function in JavaScript that can be used in all cases. So how do we do it? Here are some options
How to take control of JavaScript console output
All browsers have the console object that lets you output to the developer console log. But in production, you donβt want this output, only in development. So here is the easiest way Iβve found to take control.
What JavaScript versions are there and how do they map to Node.JS versions?
There are now far too many versions of JavaScript. Worse, there are several ways to refer to a JavaScript version. Then we have Node.JS which has its own versioning. This post tries to summarise it all.
How to loop over JavaScript arrays and objects
JavaScript can be a pain at times. Loops are a fundamental part of all computer languages but in JavaScript, there are some oddities. This post is a summary of the different loop features and when to use them. It is likely to be updated from time-to-time as the standards are still changing.
Download a GitHub Repository using Node.JS
Downloading a repository from GitHub using Node.JS should be really easy. But it isnβt! This KB post reminds us of the tricks required.
How to walk through a JavaScript object in sort order
Using a JavaScript object like a keyed array, what is the simplest way to walk through the object?
How to get the properties of a JavaScript object without errors
You cannot natively request chained properties of a JavaScript object without the possibility of an error. This utility function allows you to get any properties, no matter how they are nested.
Node.JS and JavaScript
Node.JS allows JavaScript to be used as a server-side (back-end) programming language.