
📖 Posts | 📎 General, Microsoft | 🔖 Facebook, Fail, Google, Microsoft, Office

Microsoft’s Facebook fails at the first hurdle

Had my first test for Microsoft’s new [][1] this week – and it failed badly. In case you don’t know, Microsoft recently announced a new beta [Office Live link-up with Facebook][1]. You can log in using your [Facebook][2] login instead of a Microsoft Live Id. So you would think that it would be possible to use [][1] as a collaborative document editor and I suspect that you are supposed to be able to – as long as your documents don’t contain anything complex – such as comments!

📖 Posts | 📎None | 🔖 Fail, Technorati

Nobody is listening at Technorati

I’ve had a problem trying to claim this blog at the Technorati web site. It seems that using Firefox doesn’t work and that in getting part the way through the claim process and then failing, I can no longer complete the process. No problem I thought, I’ll contact the Technorati support and they will help. Well think again. Despite several emails over the last few months (there’s no phone number), nobody has even bothered to reply.