GitHub Pages, Jekyll and Liquid

Hints and tips on using Jekyll for publishing to GitHub Pages.
Note that these articles have been migrated from a Jekyll site and may not render correctly.
πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators, Markdown, Kramdown

How to create a page toc

If you want to generate a table of contents list (toc) for a markdown file, you can use the native Kramdown feature.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators, Disqus

Add Disqus to Jekyll pages

Example code to add to every page as a footer to enable the Disqus comments service.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators

Jekyll/Liquid Variable Filters

A comprehensive list of filters available to modify/format Jekyll variables.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators

Jekyll/Liquid Tags

This is a list of tags that can be used in Jekyll.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators

Jekyll and Liquid reference information

Some reference sites and links for Jekyll and Liquid.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators

How to generate a list of pages in a given folder

The following code automatically generates a list of pages that exist in a given folder.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators

How to generate a list of collection documents

The following code automatically generates a list of collection documents. It assumes that the collection uses output: true and optionally includes a collection title and description defined in the _config.yml configuration file.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators, GitHub, GitHub Pages

List of problems and issues with Jekyll and GitHub Pages

While sites generated using GitHub pages can use Jekyll to enhance them, there are some limitations and, it seems, a number of problems.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Static Site Generators

Jekyll default variables

These are the default attributes (variables) that you get with each part of the Jekyll domain.

πŸ“– Kb | πŸ“Ž Development | πŸ”– Jekyll, Hugo, Static Site Generators

Alternate static site generators to Jekyll

Jekyll is built on Ruby which is a pain to work with on Windows. It also doesn’t match my chosen development language of JavaScript. Here are some possible alternatives to Jekyll along with some strengths and weaknesses.