
📖 Posts | 📎 Development, Microsoft, Windows | 🔖 Maps, Office, VBA

Nearest Postcode Search in Microsoft Excel

I need to find a load of addresses by proximity to a postcode. I have the addresses in a Microsoft Access database. Download Paul Jenkins’s UK Postcode csv and import into Access as a table Create a query on your own table adding the following calculated field: <pre>PCregion: Trim( Left( [My Table]![Postcode], InStr( [My Table]![Postcode], &#8221; &#8221; ) ) )</pre> Create a second query that joins the above query to the imported postcode table.

📖 Posts | 📎 Microsoft, Software, Windows | 🔖 Vista, WebDAV, Win7

How-to use WebDAV on Windows Vista and Windows 7

Windows is supposed to have a built-in WebDAV client. However, it doesn’t ever seem to have been especially robust and certainly since Vista a lot of people (myself included) have found that it simply doesn’t work on many supposedly WebDAV enabled sites. Thankfully there are a couple of free (and some not free) options that, while not as nicely integrated into Windows Explorer, do enable you to transfer files back and forth.

Copy and Paste to OneNote (AutoHotKey script)

After yesterdays OneNote tool post, I thought I’d do another while I think about it. Another annoyance of OneNote is it’s lack of control over pasting information from the clipboard. I’ve raised a suggestion with MS to improve this; you can see my comment in the newsgroup. To ease things a little if you need to copy and paste lots of stuff to OneNote, here is an AutoHotKey script to help.

Setting list item gaps in Microsoft OneNote (AutoHotKey script)

Although I like Microsoft OneNote and use it continuously, it does have a few failings. One of these is the inability to set the default styles and layout for text. In particular, when you create a new paragraph or list entry in OneNote, the default – non-changeable – setting is to have no white space between the paragraphs. This is very poor design and makes more than a small amount of text quite unreadable.