iTunes Finally Hits the Windows Store - What Does it Mean?

iTunes on Windows has always been a horrible application. It is highly intrusive, installing many background services. It also has a terrible UX/design. So, now that it is available in the Windows Store, is there a difference? Improvement?
📖 Posts | 📎 Hardware, iOS, iPhone-iPad-iPod, Mobile, Operating Systems, Software | 🔖 Apple, Updated, Upgrade
Data Cleansing Tools
It is very common to receive information in a format that cannot easily be formatted and processed as you want it to be. For example, you may have an unstructured list of information that you need in a table; or data in a table that you need as XML; or data in a web page (HTML) that you need in Excel. So many information professionals maintain a tool-kit that allows them to manipulate all sorts of information in different formats.