Hugo Snippets and Code Examples

Published: | Updated: | by Julian Knight Reading time ~3 min.
📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 Hugo

A somewhat random collection of code for Hugo so that I don’t have to keep looking things up all over the Internet.

Index 🔗︎

Markdown oddities and extensions in Hugo 🔗︎

Hugo uses the Blackfriday markdown engine.

Some differences that you might want to be aware of:

  • GitHub Flavoured Most of the GitHub style markdown features are available. The default settings are a little more strict however (e.g. blank lines between heading and paragraph are required).

  • Nested Lists THere is a subtle bug in Blackfriday that it uses a logical tab spacing of 4 rather than the more normal (form markdown) 2. This means that nested content in a list has to be 1 tab or 4 spaces in, not 2 spaces which is the default for most versions of markdown libraries.

  • Alternative Rendering Engine It is possible to use the Mmark engine instead of Blackfriday. Put markup: mmark in a page frontmatter or name files *.mmark.

  • Header IDs Are enabled by default so each header gets an id. e.g.

    <h3 id="shortcode-to-render-a-code-example-in-a-page-post">Shortcode to render a code example in a page/post</h3>
  • Dashes By default, Latex style smart dashes are used. -- is an &ndash; – and --- is an &mdash; —. In addition, a single dash between words is translated to an &ndash; e.g. 12 June - 3 July becomes 12 June &ndash; 3 July

  • Syntax Highlighting triple backticks are used to wrap code blocks. Chroma is used for the highlighting.
    Alternatively, the older Pygments engine can be used.
    Use the {{ < highlight >}} markup form if you want to use extended controls such as line numbers, line highlights, etc.
    Configuration is done in config.toml, see the content-management/syntax-highlighting section of the docs for details.

    The list of Highlight languages is given in the docs.

  • Definition Lists Are easily marked up as:

    : Fluffy animal everyone likes
    : Vector of transmission for pictures of cats \
    Don't forget the blank line between the terms
    : You can use multiple definition lines
  • Tables

    Name  | Age
    Bob   | 27
    Alice | 23
  • Footnotes

    This is a footnote.[^1]
    [^1]: the footnote text.
  • Strikethrough Uses 2 tildes ~~.

  • Trailing backslash Inserts a line break.

Many of these are optional, see the content-management/formats section of the Hugo docs for details.

Shortcode to render a code example in a page/post 🔗︎


{{ $file := .Get "file" | readFile }}
{{ $lang := .Get "language" }}
{{ (print "```" $lang "\n" $file "\n```") | markdownify }}

And in a post/page:

{{ % code file="/static/some-script.js" language="js" %}}

List the sub-sections of a section 🔗︎

I use this on my main blog site to list out the knowledgebase sections.

{{ range (where .Site.Pages "Section" "kb") }}
    {{ range .Sections }}
    <li><a href="{{ .Permalink}}"> {{ .LinkTitle }} </a></li>
{{ end }}

Reset a Scratch variable to an empty array (slice) 🔗︎

{{- $.Scratch.Set "myvar" slice -}}

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