Using JSONata to transform msg data

Published: | Updated: | by Julian Knight Reading time ~8 min.
📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 Node-RED

JSONata is a syntax designed by IBM to help reformat and restructure JSON data in a similar vein to the way that XLST is used to transform XML data.

JSONata is available in Node-RED via the change node. It is available where you see the ∫ symbol.

See the JSONata home page for details of the standard. There is also a useful exerciser page that lets you paste in some source JSON data, a JSONata formula and see the output. Note, however, that the exerciser page tends to be using a newer version of the library than Node-RED uses.

Updates 🔗︎

  • 2020-03-03: Added Reference an index in an array. Added another simpler e.g. of turning array of objects into an object of objects.
  • 2019-03-15: Added example of turning the result of running the Windows 10 set command into an array of objects
  • 2018-08-13: Added example of turning an array of objects into an object of objects using an inner object property as the key
  • 2018-02-26: Since Node-RED v0.18, JSONata has been updated and is also available in the Change node not just the switch node. Some of the examples below may have easier alternatives with the move to JSONata v1.5

Contents 🔗︎

Examples 🔗︎

General 🔗︎

Global and Flow context variables 🔗︎

( {
  "aGlobalVariable": $globalContext('globalVariableName'),
  "aFlowVariable": $flowContext('flowVariableName')
} )

Extract specific element from a context variable 🔗︎

This shows how to extract an element from a context variable based on the msg.topic and assuming you have a variable that is keyed on topic. An example might be a global variable keyed on sensor ID that contains sensor locations where you want to add the location to the data from the sensor to pass on to MQTT.

   "location": $globalContext('locations["' & topic & '"]'),
   "origPayload": payload

Accessing msg 🔗︎

Object entities are exposed directly as names, e.g. msg.payload is accessed simply as “payload”. If you want to access the whole msg object, you need to use the “$” variable at the top level of your expression. e.g.


would return the unique message id. If you end up using functions or other enclosures, you can use $$ to access the top level object.

Complex example 🔗︎

Extracts the keys and values from the original msg, copies the original msg.payload, adds some extra object data and a timestamp. Illustrates the use of functions and variables.

    $lookupVals := function($i) { $lookup($$, $i) };
    $origMsgVals := $map($keys($$), $lookupVals);
      "meta": { "a": 1, "thisIs":"more data" },
      "origPayload": payload,
      "origMsgKeys": $keys($$),
      "origMsgVals": $origMsgVals,
      "timestamp": $now()

Reference an index in an array 🔗︎

You can bind a variable to a sequence and then use the sequence inside further processing.

For example, to add a reference from a list to an output array:

    /* Reference Array */
    $x := ["In","Out"];

    /* The old-fashioned way of doing things
     * using a map function
    $map(payload, function($v, $i, $a) {
            "data": $x[$i],

    /* The newer and MUCH simpler way
     * where the #$y binds the $y variable
     * to the input array.
        "data": $x[$y],

Gives a result of

        "data": "In",
        "value": 139061084
        "data": "Out",
        "value": 12177618

From an input of

    "payload": [
            "oid": "",
            "type": 65,
            "value": 139061084,
            "tstr": "Counter"
            "oid": "",
            "type": 65,
            "value": 12177618,
            "tstr": "Counter"

Change Node Recipes 🔗︎

Add extra levels to the start of a topic 🔗︎

Use Set against msg.topic and use the following JSONata expression:

"EXTRA/LEVELS/" & topic

Recreate the msg on the msg.payload 🔗︎

The previous examples are now outdated as of Jan 2018 with the introduction of Node-RED v0.18. This saw an ugrade to JSONata v1.5 which brings a few other possibilities.

  "topic": topic,
  "payload": $,
  "_msgid": _msgid

The above will work just fine. However, if the original message originates from an http-in node or similar, it will contain circular references and a LOT of data and will cause issues. To avoid this, use the new $clone() function. Node-RED overloads this with a safe version that avoids the issues at least with http-in messages.

  "topic": topic,
  "payload": $clone($),
  "_msgid": _msgid

For reference, here is the previous suggestion:

Sometimes you might want to move the content of the msg to msg.payload. For example, if you wanted to send the msg as a debug to MQTT. You cannot do this directly (setting msg.payload to $) as the system thinks this is a circular reference and blocks it. So you have to recreate the msg manually. I include a list of the msg’s keys so that you can know if you missed anything.

  "topic": topic,
  "payload": payload,
  "_msgid": _msgid,
  "msgKeys": $keys($),

There are undoubtedly other ways to do this in a more automated way.

Taking this slightly further, you can also get the keys and values of the original msg in an array:


Split a multi-line string of ‘property=value’ strings 🔗︎

Some command line output that might be returned from the exec node, may contain a complex string in this type of format which is an example of running the set command on Windows 10:

CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files

If you want to split this into the following format:

    {"CommonProgramFiles":"C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\r"},
    {"CommonProgramFiles(x86)":"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\r"},
    {"CommonProgramW6432":"C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\r"},

You can use the following JSONata:

    /* Split on newline */
    $x := $split(payload, "\n");

    /* Map function to split 'property=value' and return as object */
    $s := function($line) {
            $ss := $split($line, "=");
            { $ss[0] : $ss[1] }

    /* Run the map to return the required array of objects */
    $map($x, $s)

Reprocess a payload containing an array 🔗︎

How to process an array/object combination plus calculate a true/false flag from 2 properties in the array.

Example input msg:

    "payload": [
            "Station ID": "3015432",
            "Station Name": "Sg.Klang di Tmn Sri Muda 1",
            "District": "Petaling",
            "River Basin": "Sg.Klang",
            "Last Update": "30/12/2017 01:30",
            "River Level (m)": "1.13",
            "Normal": "2.80",
            "Alert": "4.40",
            "Warning": "4.58",
            "Danger": "5.00"
            "Station ID": "3015490",
            "Station Name": "Sg.Damansara di TTDI Jaya",
            "District": "Petaling",
            "River Basin": "Sg.Klang",
            "Last Update": "30/12/2017 01:30",
            "River Level (m)": "13.35",
            "Normal": "3.50",
            "Alert": "7.30",
            "Warning": "7.80",
            "Danger": "8.30"

Example JSONata to reformat the output

		"station": $.'Station ID',
    	"name": $.'Station Name',
        "level": $.'River Level (m)',
        "alert": $number($.'River Level (m)') > $number($.Alert) ? true : false


    "station": "3015432",
    "name": "Sg.Klang di Tmn Sri Muda 1",
    "level": "1.13",
    "alert": false
    "station": "3015490",
    "name": "Sg.Damansara di TTDI Jaya",
    "level": "13.35",
    "alert": true

See!topic/node-red/J0020rPetAY for more information.

Convert an array of objects into an object of objects 🔗︎

Given an array of objects such as:

    "payload": [
            "id": 5,
            "Name": "Bedroom 2",
            "CalculatedTemperature": 192,
            "CurrentSetPoint": 125
            "id": 6,
            "OverrideType": "Manual",
            "OverrideTimeoutUnixTime": 1534182107,
            "OverrideSetpoint": 125,
            "Name": "Master Bedroom",
            "Mode": "Auto",
            "CalculatedTemperature": 192,
            "CurrentSetPoint": 125

If we want to turn this into a nested object using one of the inner objects properties to name each outer entry, we can do the following:

    $.Name : {
        "id": $.id,
        "Name": $.Name,
        "CurrentTemperature": $.CalculatedTemperature/10,
        "DesiredTemperature": $.CurrentSetPoint/10,
        "Override": $.OverrideType?"Yes":"No",
        "OverrideTimeout": $.OverrideType?$split($split($fromMillis($.OverrideTimeoutUnixTime),"T")[1],".")[0]:"N/A"

Which gives us the following output:

  "Bedroom 2": {
    "id": 5,
    "Name": "Bedroom 2",
    "CurrentTemperature": 19.2,
    "DesiredTemperature": 12.5,
    "Override": "No",
    "OverrideTimeout": "N/A"
  "Master Bedroom": {
    "id": 6,
    "Name": "Master Bedroom",
    "CurrentTemperature": 19.2,
    "DesiredTemperature": 12.5,
    "Override": "Yes",
    "OverrideTimeout": "18:09:42"

Note the lack of a . between payload and { in the JSONata. If we added a . between them, we would get an array containing an object containing an object containing the original object!

You can see this in action in the flows from this post about controlling the Drayton Wiser smart heating system

A simpler example of turning an array into an object 🔗︎

Given the input:

    "payload": [
            "oid": "",
            "type": 65,
            "value": 139061084,
            "tstr": "Counter"
            "oid": "",
            "type": 65,
            "value": 12177618,
            "tstr": "Counter"

This JSONata will extract the values onto an object keyed by a reference array:

    $x := ["In","Out"];

    payload#$y{ $x[$y]: $.value }

Output object:

    "In": 139061084,
    "Out": 12177618

The trick here is that there is no dot between the input array (payload) and the object curly brackets. This also shows the use of a bound index variable.

Switch Node Recipes (Node-RED v0.18+) 🔗︎

Block/Unblock a flow 🔗︎

The following uses a global variable to block or release a flow.

Set the Switch node’s “Property” to something like:


then use a single rule of “is true” or “is false” as needed.

Example flow:

"x":610,"y":360,"wires":[["d7ecac3d.087e8"],["24348e06.690802"]],"outputLabels":["blockme = false so let msg through",
"blockme = true so divert msg"]},{"id":"344a17cb.6b29a8","type":"inject","z":"fc7dbb1a.619c18","name":"","topic":"",
"payload":"I'm free!","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":210,
"payload":"I'm Blocked!","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":190,

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