
πŸ“– Posts | πŸ“Ž General, Linux, Networking | πŸ”– DNS, SSH, VPS

SSH Error: "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"

Fixing up an SSH login error after moving to a new ISP. β€œssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host” is caused by the lack of a reverse DNS entry.

πŸ“– Posts | πŸ“Ž Hardware, Networking | πŸ”– Broadband, Hardware, Networking, router problems, SNMP

Monitoring a Broadband Router

Just been asked this question by an ex-colleague so I thought it would be good to do a write up. How do I monitor my broadband router? There are a number of measurements that you can do to see the health of your router. External Monitoring Firstly, you can measure whether the outside world can β€œsee” your router. This does mean that you have to allow β€œpings” from the Internet which does slightly reduce your router security and so this feature is often turned off by default.

πŸ“– Posts | πŸ“Ž Linux, Networking, Virtualisation | πŸ”– Bridging, OpenSUSE, VirtualBox

Bridged networking in OpenSUSE 10.3 & 11.0 (For VirtualBox)

I prefer to use VirtualBox rather than VMware as it seems to be rather faster and less resource hungry than VMware Server (the only free version of VMware with a GUI). Also VirtualBox seems to have better Linux host support (sound, etc.). However, there is one thing that VMware is better at – setting up the guest network on the same network as the host. Under VirtualBox this is called β€œHost Interface Networking” and, with a Linux host anyway, is a right royal pain to set up.