Home Automation (HA)
📖 Posts | 📎 Development, Home Automation (HA), Internet of Things (IoT), Software | 🔖 Home Automation, Internet of Things, IoT, MQTT, Node-Red, Raspberry Pi, REACT
Mosquitto MQTT Server on a Raspberry Pi
To access an MQTT broker direct from the browser, you need websockets support. On a Raspberry Pi, this used to require a custom build from source. That is no longer required. You can now install direct from the mosquitto.org repository and add a simple config change. This article explains the details.
📖 Posts | 📎 Home Automation (HA), Internet of Things (IoT), Software | 🔖 Electronics, FBP, Flow-Based Programming, HA, Home Automation, Internet of Things, IoT, Monitoring, Node-RED, Sensors
Home Automation Hub using Node-Red

The Internet of Things (IoT) comes alive with the help of Node-Red, a Flow-Based Programming (FBP) tool designed to help link together sensors, switches, logic and displays. With hardware magic from Arduino’s, Raspberry Pi’s, low cost sensors and wireless switches. We can easily build a bespoke home automation and monitoring hub.