
📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 JavaScript, ECMAscript

How to loop over JavaScript arrays and objects

JavaScript can be a pain at times. Loops are a fundamental part of all computer languages but in JavaScript, there are some oddities. This post is a summary of the different loop features and when to use them. It is likely to be updated from time-to-time as the standards are still changing.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 node.js, nodejs, npm, json

Using npm configuration environment variables in package.json

npm automatically makes parts of your package.json file available as environment variables. This can be useful when using npm as a run script service.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 node.js, nodejs, JavaScript, ECMAscript

Download a GitHub Repository using Node.JS

Downloading a repository from GitHub using Node.JS should be really easy. But it isn’t! This KB post reminds us of the tricks required.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 JavaScript, ECMAscript

How to walk through a JavaScript object in sort order

Using a JavaScript object like a keyed array, what is the simplest way to walk through the object?

📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 JavaScript, ECMAscript

How to get the properties of a JavaScript object without errors

You cannot natively request chained properties of a JavaScript object without the possibility of an error. This utility function allows you to get any properties, no matter how they are nested.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 node.js, nodejs, JavaScript, ECMAscript

Node.JS and JavaScript

Node.JS allows JavaScript to be used as a server-side (back-end) programming language.

📖 Posts | 📎 Development | 🔖 git, github, npm, node.js, nodejs

Creating GitHub Releases from git Tags

The workflow for updating version numbers and doing git/GitHub/npm releases is far too complex to easily remember when you aren’t doing it very often. This post is a reminder of the various steps.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development, it-security | 🔖 Node-RED, security

How to create secure certificates

Generate certificates for Node-RED that are trusted by all modern browsers. This will let you access Node-RED (and other services) over an encrypted HTTPS link.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development, it-security | 🔖 Node-RED, security

How to secure Node-RED

Node-RED is increasingly used in situations that require reasonable security. Up to now, however, the information required to secure it correctly has been fragmented. This article aims to give an end-to-end outline to enable anyone to secure their installation.

Drayton Wiser heating control

Drayton are a very widely used manufacturer of heating controls. They make the “Wiser” control system which is low cost and easily fitted. This article shows you how to use Node-RED to query and control the system.

📖 Posts | 📎 Development | 🔖 IoT, Cloud

Cloud Automation for IoT

Having just brought a Google Home, I’ve quickly realised that, although Google are supposedly fairly open about allowing people to develop for it, there are still far too many limitations. To try and get round these, I’ve been looking at automation tools. In this article, I will list some of the key tools and their strengths and weaknesses.

Cloudflare Now Active

After the recent high-profile vulnerabilities, I decided to turn on the free version of CloudFlare for this domain. CloudFlare provides a reverse proxy service that sits in front of your domain. It will serve content where it can on your behalf (caching), optimise content where it can (e.g. minimising JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc.). But even more important from my perspective is their ability to protect against a number of vulnerabilities.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development | 🔖 Hugo

Hugo Snippets and Code Examples

A somewhat random collection of code for Hugo so that I don’t have to keep looking things up all over the Internet.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development, Microsoft, Software | 🔖 Microsoft, Office, Outlook, VBA

Macro to open a web URL from Outlook

Many of us spend most of our work time in a few applications such as Outlook (email) and a web browser. This example macro for Microsoft Outlook will let you add a button to the Outlook Ribbon that will open a specific website URL.

📖 Posts | 📎 Development, Microsoft, Software | 🔖 CouchDB, Microsoft, Office, Outlook

Outlook 2013 URL Protocol Handler

Outlook has a custom URL protocol that allows interaction with different elements such as folders, mail and calendar items and contacts, Since Outlook 2007, this has been restricted for use only within Outlook itself but there are some tremendous opportunities for use from simple web systems. This post explains how to turn it on, even for Outlook 2013 (Office 365 version). It also gives pointers to other articles on how to use the protocol.